Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Some sketches from January

Here's a bunch of doodles I made this month, mixed stuff for Sky Canyon and Neighbourhood Of Infinity, plus a quick sketch of a Riderman.

I have laid out lots of pages for both of Sky Canyon and NOI comics and I also started picturing some quicker one pager to post on here while I keep some more secrecy on bigger projects, so stay tuned, expect something new for later next week.

Monday, 21 January 2013

Strange Bird

Strange Bird by det.roc.boi
Strange Bird, a photo by det.roc.boi on Flickr.

The turkiloplop is one of Sky Canyon's world favorite rides, they can be found in most of the Valley's meadows and plains and can be easily tamed.

Monday, 7 January 2013


Glider by det.roc.boi
Glider, a photo by det.roc.boi on Flickr.

Quick sketch for a Sky Canyon monster, a further evolved version of the flying monsters appearing in Gamillo's episode.

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Bounty Hunter

Bounty Hunter by det.roc.boi
Bounty Hunter, a photo by det.roc.boi on Flickr.

Here's a guy that may appear in Sky Canyon: a dangerous bounty hunter looking for some of the comics' protagonists.
I could finally get back to draw after the holidays, I'll be drawing and uploading more from now on. Ciao!